
History of Photography: Early Fashion Photography

  Today in class we learned about Fashion Photography. As someone who wants to pursue a career in fashion photography, I was very excited to further expand my knowledge of the art form.  I never knew much about the background of this subject and I never knew where to start, however, the lesson severed as a helpful guide.  I realized the fantasy and the romanticized setting that is portrayed through these photographs in Vogue and Haper's Bazaar,  is something I aspire to capture within my own photography. The lesson demonstrated the techniques found in photographs from many pictorialist photographers, such as Edward Steichen and Camille Silvy. I imagined how amazing it would be to recreate those photographs in our modern times.

Road Work Ahead

Construction Worker, Spontaneity and Decisive Moment Project October 18th, 2018

Spontaneity and the Decisive Moment

The photo above is one from a while back from Photoville. This photo captures the perfect moment of the man aligned with the frame of the structure. Capturing the "perfect moment" is the broadest and vaguest subject to express. How does one photograph the perfect moment? What makes a perfect moment? I have been having difficulties trying to capture a timing like this. Attempting this assignment I have learned that a spontaneous and decisive moment is not only technical but also a record of documentation of people's personal lives. When looking at a photograph from 50 years ago one may not know the people they are seeing but the viewer can tell the significance of that time. The photograph does not need to be explained to understand the emotion behind it.  Encapsulating this moment should be able to covey the emotions the subjects are feeling and project those emotions on to whoever is viewing the photo.

InsignificANT: A Bug's Life

This photograph shows a shallow depth of field with a bird-eye view that helps us realize how small things are in the big world. When we were kids we took interest in the insignificant aspects of life, such as ants. However, as we grow older we tend to carry heavier burdens. As life goes on, it is nice to sit back and reminisce on the small things rather than worrying about the large expectations life places on our shoulders. In our eyes, ants are seen as minuscule creatures; when in reality we are just as small as they are compared to the world around us.

Nostalgia: A Blessing or A Curse?

The photograph shown above is very nostalgic to me. Sayville Pizza is a place that I've going to since I was a kid. I have been in and out that front door countless times. It's been there for me when I was hungry to when my friends and I were walking around looking at the small boutique shops. Although I get a bittersweet feeling just passing by the storefront, it has me thinking, is nostalgia really as bad as people think it is? Whenever I think of nostalgia I think of childhood memories and the simple times of being a kid in the early 2000s. However, there are also people who tsk at the thought of nostalgia. Is it because they had a bad past? Or maybe they think reminiscing on old memories is ridiculous and only focus on the now and the future. Sometimes talking and thinking about the past can help us move forward, going back to old ideas or old technology can inspire us. That's why I think nostalgia is very important to us, even if some brush it away the moment they ...