Nostalgia: A Blessing or A Curse?

The photograph shown above is very nostalgic to me. Sayville Pizza is a place that I've going to since I was a kid. I have been in and out that front door countless times. It's been there for me when I was hungry to when my friends and I were walking around looking at the small boutique shops. Although I get a bittersweet feeling just passing by the storefront, it has me thinking, is nostalgia really as bad as people think it is? Whenever I think of nostalgia I think of childhood memories and the simple times of being a kid in the early 2000s. However, there are also people who tsk at the thought of nostalgia. Is it because they had a bad past? Or maybe they think reminiscing on old memories is ridiculous and only focus on the now and the future. Sometimes talking and thinking about the past can help us move forward, going back to old ideas or old technology can inspire us. That's why I think nostalgia is very important to us, even if some brush it away the moment they feel it.


  1. Wow, definitely would love to try! When you spoke about bad past memories being the cause of negative feelings towards nostalgia, I felt I could really relate. Most children mourn over careless nights stuck in front of mind controlling television, one packet of dunkaroos away from diabetes as they hum the intro to Kim Possible. However, I envy those memories as mine are only filled with depressing nights fearing the boomerang chancla if I ask my mother for anything but rice and beans. Your post really spoke to me and has motivated me to seek therapy. Thank you, and I will be sure to stop at this pizza shop on the way to the office! What's your favorite food to order here?


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